Zoom! teeth whitening is a tooth bleaching procedure that is used to whiten the teeth. Teeth discoloration can occur from aging, smoking, medications or drinking coffee, tea or wine. The Zoom! in-office tooth whitening procedure has successfully helped countless patients to achieve a white smile after just one visit. Our dentist will examine your teeth and gums thoroughly to ensure they are healthy before any teeth whitening procedure will occur.
How it Works
A regular tooth cleaning is recommended before teeth whitening. The procedure begins by preparing the lips and gums. A barrier is placed to ensure that no irritation occurs in the patient’s mouth. Next, the Zoom! hydrogen peroxide whitening gel is applied. A Zoom advanced power chairside lamp is used to accelerate the whitening process. As the hydrogen peroxide breaks down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin in order to bleach stains. The gel is applied in three 15-minute sessions for a total treatment time of 45 minutes.
To maintain your white teeth, maintain a regular oral hygiene regimen to prevent stains and see your dentist regular for exams and routine dental cleanings.
Are there any risks?
Some people experience sensitivity during treatment, but this is rare. The Zoom light provides a bit of heat, so that’s usually the source of the discomfort for patients. Minor tingling happens after treatment, but goes away pretty quickly too. Zoom! isn’t recommended for children under 13 or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Schedule An Appointment for Zoom! Teeth Whitening Today
At Greenway Smiles, we are committed to offering a personalized dental experience that you can trust. Our goal is to provide superior dental care to those in Ashburn, Leesburg, Reston, and all of Greater Northern Virginia. We believe that when your teeth and gums are healthy, you are healthier over time. To schedule an appointment with a professional dentist today, call our dental office at 571-222-4243.